How I can Assist You

By clicking on the links below you will access presentations addressing particular aspects of my planning, controlling and Delay Anaysis expertise. This is not an exhaustive list, however, everything shown here is of paramount importance for a project to be successful.

I’ve heard a lot of discussions of what the specific role of a planner, or scheduler, or forensic analyst or claims planner should be. My approach is that at different stages of the project the same person should be tender planner, project planner, scheduler, forensic and claims planner.

Please remember that the time-schedule must be the best friend of the project manager; and so must be the project planner!

Steps to create and work with the Time-Schedule:

Basics – WBS, CPM, EVM

Modelling the Project


Original, Variations, Revisions

Progress Curves

Records and Reports vs. Disruption, Prolongation, Time Extension

Schedule Delays, EoT’s

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